Legal information
Mannesmann Line Pipe GmbH
In der Steinwiese 31
57074 Siegen
Postal address:
Postfach 120152
57022 Siegen
Phone: +49 271 691-0
Fax: +49 271 691-299
Head Office of the company:
Executive board:
Andreas Betzler
Dr.-Ing. Carsten Holste
Registration office:
Local court of Siegen
Registration no.:
HRB 1435
Tax/VAT ID no.:
DE 811151335
Responsible for content in accordance with section 6 of the interstate agreement on media services:
Birgit Quast
English translation
Ruth Baldwin
Design and layout
Kümpel Lorenz GbR,
Büro für Gestaltung
Gutenbergstraße 34/Hinterhaus
44139 Dortmund
Realisation, CMS
Webwork Manufaktur
Legal information
Trademarks, Copyrights and other Industrial Property Rights
All rights, especially trademarks, copyrights and other industrial property rights are reserved. All texts, graphics, animation and video files and other content of our internet site are subject to copyright law, law on the protection of designations, trademarks and trade names (particularly trademarks) and other laws regarding the protection of intellectual property and the common law on the protection of personal rights. In particular, the reproduction or usage of the aforementioned contents of our website in electronic, print or other media is prohibited without our explicitly prior written consent. This does not include all text material and imagery which is expressly offered for dissemination.
Content / Liability
Our website has been created with the utmost care. Even though we assume, that the information presented is correct, it can nevertheless contain mistakes or inaccuracies. Therefore, we present the information without any warranty. In particular, we cannot be held liable for its completeness, correctness, quality or timeliness. We explicitly reserves the right, without prior notice, to take the content of its website offline for a restricted or sustained amount of time, to alter it completely or in part, to delete it or change it in any other shape or form.
We would like to inform you, that it neither monitors websites which link to its site, nor is it responsible for their content. To the extent of our website linking to a third party's website, it expressly declares, that no illegal content is published on such website to the best of its knowledge. However, we cannot influence future composition of said website. We expressly do not adopt any such content. Only the carrier of third party sides is liable for damages that result from incorrect or illegal content of said sites.